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Unleashing Savings

Unleashing Savings

Unleashing Savings


To highlight how time-of-day tariffs with smart meters address India's specific energy challenges effectively


Meter Three Phase Meter

Meter Single Phase Meter

TOTAL SAVED till date

ā‚¹ L

Time-of-day (ToD) tariffs, coupled with smart meters, revolutionize energy consumption by offering dynamic pricing based on demand fluctuations. This blog delves into the data-backed benefits of this system tailored for Indian consumers

Data-Driven Efficiency:

  • Cost Savings: ToD tariffs in India can yield up to 25% savings on electricity bills, translating to substantial annual savings for consumers.

  • Grid Stability: Efficient usage can prevent power outages, a significant issue in India, saving the economy billions in lost productivity.

Smart Meter Integration:

  • Real-Time Insights: Smart meters provide granular data on usage patterns, enabling precise analysis of energy consumption behavior among Indian consumers.

  • Precision Usage Monitoring: With smart meters, users can monitor consumption hourly, optimizing usage to align with lower tariff periods, particularly beneficial in a country with diverse energy demand patterns.

Implementation Success:

  • Consumer Behavior Shift: ToD tariffs drive behavioral change, with up to 15% reduction in peak-hour usage witnessed in Indian cities like Delhi and Mumbai.

  • Utility Benefits: Indian utilities experience up to 20% reduction in peak demand, alleviating strain on aging infrastructure and reducing operational costs.

Conclusion: Harnessing ToD tariffs with smart meters in India presents a data-driven approach to energy optimization tailored to the country's unique challenges. It not only slashes costs for consumers but also enhances grid stability, paving the way for a more sustainable and resilient energy future for India.


To highlight how time-of-day tariffs with smart meters address India's specific energy challenges effectively


Meter Three Phase Meter

Meter Single Phase Meter



Nehal Baid

General Manager

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